Official C7Stingray Registry   P.O. Box 541023 Merritt Island, FL 32954-1023
Phone: (321) 433-2785




Corvette Web Blast 06 features an in-depth interview with special guest, Corvette Racing's Program Manager, Doug Fehan. Doug takes us through his motor racing career starting as a Stock Car driver in the late 60's, through his promotion work with Mac Tools, Kenny Bernstein and others, to the start of the C5R race programme and right up to date with the C6R and the up-comming C7R. Doug joins us via Skype, along with Nigel Dobbie in Florida, with Rob Ashard, Gary Garwood and Tom Falconer  at Claremont Corvette in Kent, UK.
By the way, watch out for Doug's cats!